Don't call him just a rapper! Even the titles of indie artist or musician would be missing the mark by a long shot. Demitrius 2X is what you 'call' someone who plays/lives the role of being a self published urban author and also a self-taught mixing engineer that's accomplishing his goal of truly honing the transparent lyrics and versatile style that he creatively brings to any song and/or freestyle rap cipher! With music videos and mixtapes still lingering from 2008-2011 when he was the teenage lyricist named Smokey... now it's 12 years later and nearly two decades of him habitually studying dictionaries for better verses
Demitrius 2X; a man just trying to be two times better than he was yesterday! Every area in life included so what does that mean? That after currently adding graphic designer and brand developer under his arsenal of tricks.. The world should definitely be on the lookout for this ambitious innovator who doesn’t seem to be slowing up on his childhood dreams!